Spiritual Gifts & Talents Test

spiritual gifts and talents


Discover Your Divine Blueprint

Have you ever wondered what sets your soul apart? Beneath the surface of your everyday life lies a profound truth: you are endowed with unique spiritual gifts that shape your purpose and connection to the world. These gifts—whether wisdom, creativity, empathy, or visionary insight—are not mere talents but sacred threads woven into the fabric of your being. They guide how you love, serve, and inspire others, offering a glimpse into the divine design of who you are.

The 17 gifts or talents covered by this test take are derived from various religious and philosophical backgrounds, from Judaism to Christianity, moving through the Islamic tradition and including Eastern philosophy.

A Test of Depth and Discovery

This personality test is more than an assessment; it’s an invitation to explore the depths of your spirit. Through thoughtful questions and reflective insights, you’ll uncover which of the 16 spiritual gifts resonate most deeply with your essence. Are you a natural healer, mending broken hearts with your presence? Or perhaps a steward, called to nurture and protect the resources entrusted to you? Maybe your gift is prophecy, speaking truth into the chaos, or hospitality, creating spaces where others feel seen and loved.

Embrace Your Calling

Understanding your spiritual gifts is not just about self-awareness—it’s about stepping into your role in the grand tapestry of humanity. When you embrace your gifts, you align with your highest purpose, becoming a beacon of light in a world that needs your unique contribution. Take this journey. Discover your divine blueprint. And let your gifts illuminate the path for others.

Take this insightful personality test to uncover your unique spiritual inclinations and purposes.

You may also be interested in reading the following article:
Living Intentionally: Aligning Your Life With Your Soul Purpose

1. When faced with a difficult decision, I tend to...

2. In a group project, I am most likely to...

3. When someone is struggling emotionally, I...

4. My approach to learning new things is...

5. When I see injustice in the world, I feel compelled to...

6. My friends would describe me as...

7. When I encounter conflict, I tend to...

8. I feel most fulfilled when I...

9. When I am in nature, I feel...

10. My dreams often involve...

11. When I think about the future, I feel...

12. My spiritual practice is most focused on...

13. When I am alone, I often...

14. My greatest strength is...

15. When I see someone in need, I feel compelled to...

16. My intuition is...

17. When I am in a crisis, I...

18. I believe my purpose in life is to...

19. When I am in a group, I often...

20. My approach to solving problems is...

21. When I encounter someone with a different belief system, I...

22. My greatest spiritual challenge is...

23. When I am faced with a moral dilemma, I...

24. I feel most connected to the divine when...

25. My dreams for the future involve...

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