Mental Age Test – full


What Kind of Mindset do You Have?

What is a person’s mental age? It’s a fascinating concept that’s not easily defined. Each person’s mindset is influenced by countless variables, such as family background, social class, cultural level, and place of birth. Don’t be afraid! Our quiz doesn’t measure your cultural or academic level, so you can take it even if you are very young and inexperienced.

Varied Questions for All Tastes

You’ll find questions that are perfect for everyone and a selection of answers that will delight even the most serious!
The Mental Age Test is designed to be both entertaining and thoughtful. Its aim is to provide you with a valuable overview of your attitude towards life. Perhaps you reason like a curious, naive, and hopeful youngster, or maybe like an old man who is now tired and closed in his own little world of unchanging habits. Take our quiz and find out! We are confident that you will be impressed by the results.

AI’s Commentary

In addition to our commentary, we have also included insights from a truly remarkable artificial intelligence, programmed specifically to deliver revelations that are at once amusing and biting. This is a very special addition!
Have fun!


Calculate your mental age while having fun.
This test contains 28 questions and many answer options.
It provides 12 different mindset profiles (+ 2 secret ones!), each one with a description, chart and commentary by our A.I. bot.
You got it right: our human psychological analysis will be supplemented by PersonalityHPT.
This is a serious test with occasional witty and sarcastic tones.
Find out how test results are calculated and view an example result.
Upon completion of the test you will receive your result by email, plus a mindset certificate.
Take your chance to receive a $50 voucher.
No registration required.
Suitable for audiences of all ages.
Try the free DEMO of the test to better understand what it is about: Mental Age Test Demo.

Many mental age quizzes are frivolous and superficial, have you noticed? Others have wacky or incomprehensible answers, such as those that ask you how much you agree with a particular statement on a scale of 1 to 5 (or more). Does anyone really find them funny, anyway? We don’t!
In fact, our mental age quiz offers a variety of questions with numerous response options. Questions, answers and resulting profiles were created under the supervision of a psychologist, so that the fun aspect goes hand in hand with a satisfying and personalized result.
Then there is the integration of artificial intelligence and the detailed summary email about your answers and outcome. To end on a high note, a pleasant surprise for reading enthusiasts, in fact at the end of the test you will be presented with an in-depth article on the psychological meaning of mental age.
No other mental age quiz offers you all these features!




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7 votes, 4.9 avg
mental age test no scoring system

Mental Age Test


The number of attempts remaining is 3

1 / 28

1. Being able to travel through time, which era would you like to experience?

Important: Please answer all questions truthfully, otherwise the result will be inaccurate

2 / 28

2. Complete the sentence: work...

3 / 28

3. You never know what to expect from life. Do you agree?

4 / 28

4. Do you consume illegal substances?

5 / 28

5. If you could choose an alternative life, who would you like to be?

6 / 28

6. Do you follow the news (on TV)?

7 / 28

7. Where would you rather go on vacation?

8 / 28

8. Do you ever drink alcohol at lunch and dinner (wine, beer, etc.)?

9 / 28

9. What do you watch most on TV and through the Internet?
(you can choose up to 3 answers)

10 / 28

10. Is it better to have a short but intense life, or a long and peaceful one?

11 / 28

11. Young people only care about having a good time. How do you see it?

12 / 28

12. Karl Marx was:

13 / 28

13. Do you enjoy reading books?

14 / 28

14. Do you have real friends? How many are they?

15 / 28

15. Sooner or later the chickens are coming home to roost. Do you agree?

16 / 28

16. Here is a list of items of various kinds. If you were forced to give up 3 of them FOREVER, which ones would you sacrifice?

17 / 28

17. How wonderful to have a nice nap after lunch! How do you see it?

18 / 28

18. Do you like to keep late hours?

19 / 28

19. Would you be able to live without your smartphone?

20 / 28

20. Do you ever fall asleep while doing activities (for example, while reading or watching TV)?

21 / 28

21. Here is a series of sports activities: which one inspires you the most?

22 / 28

22. Health is the most valuable asset there is. Do you agree?

23 / 28

23. Imagine yourself in a world where everyone lives exactly 100 years, with the option of giving up years of life in exchange for greater happiness. Choose what to do:

24 / 28

24. When texting, do you ever misspell words on purpose and/or use letters K instead of letters C, and/or use pushed slang language?

25 / 28

25. What type of tourism do you prefer?

26 / 28

26. How do you perceive yourself inwardly?

27 / 28

27. Are you concerned about the fate of the planet?

28 / 28

28. How old would you like to be?

Enter your name and age. Email address is optional; enter it to receive a copy of your result by email (recommended).
The friend code is optional.



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Christina Crissy – Rating: IIIII
Wow you got my age right! I feel just like that, I don’t know how it did however it nailed some of my traits perfectly. Congratulations!!!

Susan Soosy – Rating: IIIII
come on 7 years old!!! got it, i shouldnt have said the history is boring on the question about marxx! 🙁

Trystan – Rating: IIIII
The test is entertaining, some questions are funny, others are serious. I took it two times and first came out 18 and then 40! I feel somewhere in between: let’s say 30.

Joseph Spencer – Rating: IIIII
Thank you that you took 30 years away from me! For a few minutes I felt like a kid… hahaha the question about Carl Marx, I thought he was an actor mwahahaha.

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