Spiritual Awakening Test – demo


Awareness and Awakening are intrinsically linked, making it essential to explore this phenomenon of a psycho-spiritual nature through dedicated assessment. So, what exactly does Spiritual Awakening entail? It represents a manifestation of consciousness that arises from our soul’s inherent desire to transcend the limitations imposed by the ego and the material aspects of earthly existence.
To grasp this concept fully, we must first acknowledge that we are spiritual beings inhabiting a physical form, which often becomes a confining prison. Our ethereal essence is, in fact, immortal; it neither experiences birth nor death in the conventional sense. The voyage to spiritual awakening commences when the mind—dominated by the ego—begins to yield to this multidimensional aspect of our being.
At that instant a process of reworking reality begins, upsetting every certainty taken for granted up to that point. The path of awakening, if authentic and not the result of a deception of the mind, can only go in one direction and turning back is no longer possible.
It should be added that the journey to spiritual awakening is entirely subjective, although some stages are common to all, for example that of disillusionment, subsequently followed by the revision and reprocessing of the many securities taken for granted up to that point, but only now, for the first time, screened through the filter of consciousness. The Awakened One is he/she who has stopped being driven by the autopilot of the mind to personally take control of his/her existence.
So, where do you stand on the journey to Awakening?

Are you a spiritual seeker? Our test will help you understand what path you are on.
This is a DEMO consisting of 6 questions selected from 27 in total.
Results will be displayed in a summary but still indicative manner.
Furthermore, you will receive a certificate of awakening and an email detailing your result.
No registration required.
The full version of the test can be found here: Awakening Test – full.

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Spiritual Awakening Test Demo

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1. This is a free demo consisting of a few questions from the full personality test. Results will be incomplete and less accurate than the full version.

Please buy the full test after taking this demo!

demo question image

Your answer will have no influence on the outcome of this demo.

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2. Have you ever found yourself observing things and people as if you were not part of the context?

Sphere of interest: Symptomatology

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3. Regarding your family, have you ever perceived yourself as a black sheep?

Sphere of interest: Detachment

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4. To build a better world, one must continue to struggle with perseverance and confidence. What's your opinion?

Sphere of interest: Detachment

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5. Choose the statement that best describes your relationship with death:

Sphere of interest: Detachment

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6 / 7

6. Have you ever completely revised certain beliefs/ideas you had before?

Sphere of interest: Disillusionment

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7. Which type of society do you prefer among those described below?

Sphere of interest: Inconvenience

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